"Snail's Pace Productions Pleasant Facade Estates The Bizzy Buddies

The Night Before Christmas humorous illustrated story featuring The Bizzy Buddies writer illustrator Vuja Day

Bizzy Buddies - Pleasant Facade Estates Vuja Day

The kitchen is an utter mess



Barley's Theory:\par Jesus and the loaves.... the "loaves" were really bugs, which attracted the fish.\par \par ============================ LITTER SEES ORBS: ============================ Littler says she sees orbs. Barley encourages her to describe it and to instill wonder.\par Littler tells her parents about the orbs.\par TOMMY: It's just mucous in your eye.\par LITTLER: I really saw them, they were dancing around.\par TAMMY: (annoyed) Okay honey, go to bed.\par Littler makes a mess, sprinkling glitter around the house "I'm playing fairy" ============================ BARLEY/SELANTRA CONVERSATIONS ============================ Barley: be careful what words you put out there... because once they're said, there's no un-saying them. Once someone hears them/those words, they take on a different dynamic.\par Selentra: Wow!\par Jake: What'd he just say?\par \par I f a tree falls in the woods and no one's around, did it make a sound?\par Selentra: Oh wow!\par Jake: What the heck is he talking about?\par \par Barley and Selentra kiss... and they recoil from each other, and a thought balloon goes over each of their heads: "That's just like kissing my brother..." "That's just like kissing my sister..."\par \par Then things get awkward between Selentra and Barley. For a while they stop seeing each other, or seeing the friends of friends of the other.\par \par \par

Barley talking about reincarnation: \par BARLEY: Just because you didn't remember your dream \strike didn't\strike0 /doesn't mean you didn't dream.\par \par The mind doesn't know the difference between imagination and reality\par

CROP CIRCLE: A crop circle appears in the field... both Barley and his Uncle Troy view it independently. Neither one of them takes a picture. the crop circle dissolves away after one minute. View of Barley in his window, and Troy in the field, each one with a thought balloon "Am I going crazy?!" Barley tells his family about it, they don't take it seriously. Troy is telling his family and they aren't taking it seriously. +++++++++++++++++ BARLEY: Barley is lying in his bed thinking about his mom, who died when he was 2 or 3. He suddenly starts singing Puff the Magic Dragon. His mother used to sing that to him, but he doesn't remember her that well/does remember... Barley loves Puff the Magic Dragon. He cries every time he hears it. His mother used to sing it to him. His mother was Amy, Tommy's hippie first wife. Tommy, Amy and Barley had lived in a tent on the property. When Barley was 3(?) years old she died by accident somehow. After that, Tommy left town, leaving his 3 year-old son in the care of his brother Troy and sister-in-law Jane. Barley lived with his Uncle Troy and Aunt Jane for a number of years. Also living in the house was Jake, Barley's jealous cousin. "Two lost souls adrift on the same sea" ++++++++++++++++++

------------------------------------------- Cilantra's family moves to Pleasant Facade Estates. Her father is Roland Gordon and her mother maintains a separate residence in The City. Roland Gordon moves to Pleasant Facade Estates. He is a Banker and he brokered the Pleasant Facade Estate deal (and made alot of money). Cilantra is 17 years old (older than Barley)\par \par Barley: Bankers? Eww. I don't even have a bank account.\par \par where do you keep your money?\par \par Barley bends over to his shoe... "here, in my shoe"\par \par Barley and Cilantra talking... "Boy, and I thought MY family was nuts" they have alot in common\par \par their cousin Jake (the snake) cheats via text on his tests.... he has someone google everything and text back a message.n \par \par Jake is getting away with it... for awhile. And then he gets caught. (he gets cocky and smug)No, this doesn't mean you can be humble and a thief at the same time.\par \par 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\par \pard\nowidctlpar\li360\qj The universe to the aliens:\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sa200\sl276\slmult1 "they are always being given the chances ... the question is, are they taking them?"\par \pard\nowidctlpar\li360\qj The aliens to Barley:\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sa200\sl276\slmult1 "you are always being given the chances ... the question is, are you taking them?"\par \pard\nowidctlpar\li360\qj\par Barley to his friends:\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sa200\sl276\slmult1 "we are always being given the chances ... the question is, are we taking them?"\par \pard\nowidctlpar\li360\qj\par "I am always being given the chance... the question is, am I taking them?"\par \par The universe to the aliens:\par bbbbbbbbbbbbbb"They are spirits having a "human experience". \par "What does that mean?" \par "\strike That's up to them to find out\strike0 ."\line\par \par The aliens talking to Barley:\par "You are spirits having a "human experience". \par "What does that mean?" \par "\strike That's up to you to find out."\line\strike0\par \par Barley to his friends:\par "We are spirits having a "human experience". \par "What does that mean?" \par "That's up to you to find out."\par \pard\nowidctlpar\par -----------------------------

Barley and the Orbs: each one emanates its own color, all the emotions, the more color you have to draw from, the more balanced you are.\par \par Barley barely averts catastrophe... he stops to examine the bottom of his shoe (or he steps in dogshit) and a car goes speeding by, it would've hit him had he been a second sooner.\par \par Orbs: you want to be around other people who radiate\par The Orbs will guide you through life, open your 3rd eye to see, your soul, you will be given the 5th dimension. within that you see these orbs.\par \par LITTLER: I'm enamaled with you...\par \par \par the orbs look like fuzzy rainbow bubbles.\par \par He sees the bubble, and it averts catastrophe, the bubble stops the door from slamming on him.\par \par When Barley was little, his mother told him about the energy orbs... the more you see them, the more effortless life is\par \par Baarley steps in dog shit, stops, freaks out, all of a sudden a speeding car comes by, the very place he would've been standing if he hadn't stepped in the dog shit.\par \par
Barley's car accident:\par Barley is taking driver's training classes, his teacher Mr. Hearn (who looks like Jack Webb) exhorts the class, if faced with an animal running across the road, to NOT swerve (and thus kill yourself) but instead, "Run it over!". The class is horriified, some of the girls (and boys) start crying! Later, Tommy lets Barley drive, but Barley swerves when he sees a SNAIL in the road! He loses control, and they nearly crash down the hill, but the Grandpa Tree saves them. (But Tommy has TWO broken legs!) Later on, Barley goes outside and hugs the Grandpa Tree. \par \par Soon after that, CROP CIRCLES appear in the Tuckus family farm field! Everyone thinks it's a hoax (except for Timmy and Barley)... especially when Barley starts seeing "Bud" the Alien! No one else can see the alien, except for the new girl, Selantra, who moves in (her dad is the broker for PFE) and she moves in with him (and out of her mother's penthouse apartment in the city).\par \par SELANTRA: Is that a little green monster on your shoulder?\par \par BUD: (thinking... indignantly) "Little green monster"?!\par \par Selantra and Barley become good friends when they discover their mutual love of crystals and nature. Barley's cousin Jake has a MAJOR crush on Barley's step-sister (Tammy's daughter) Leeza. Leeza is a year older than them, the obnoxious queen bee of the "popular group". Jake accidentally locks his bicycle to hers at school, prompting her to miss an important appointment\par \par Little white butterflies appear when Barley thinks of his mom. Barley believes in the Grandpa Tree. (It's the same grandpa who built the wall and planted the tree.) He panted the tree 100 years ago, and he has come back from the spirit world inhabiting that tree.\par \par
CROP CIRCLE: A crop circle appears in the field... both Barley and his Uncle Troy view it independently. Neither one of them takes a picture. the crop circle dissolves away after one minute. View of Barley in his window, and Troy in the field, each one with a thought balloon "Am I going crazy?!" Barley tells his family about it, they don't take it seriously. Troy is telling his family and they aren't taking it seriously. +++++++++++++++++ BARLEY: Barley is lying in his bed thinking about his mom, who died when he was 2 or 3. He suddenly starts singing Puff the Magic Dragon. His mother used to sing that to him, but he doesn't remember her that well/does remember... Barley loves Puff the Magic Dragon. He cries every time he hears it. His mother used to sing it to him. His mother was Amy, Tommy's hippie first wife. Tommy, Amy and Barley had lived in a tent on the property. When Barley was 3(?) years old she died by accident somehow. After that, Tommy left town, leaving his 3 year-old son in the care of his brother Troy and sister-in-law Jane. Barley lived with his Uncle Troy and Aunt Jane for a number of years. Also living in the house was Jake, Barley's jealous cousin. "Two lost souls adrift on the same sea" ++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------- INTERIOR: HOUSE\par \par Barley has just arrived home after school. LEAZA walks up.\par \par LEAZA:\par Your dad is looking for you,\par ( gleefully)\par and boy is he mad!\par \par TOMMY:\par (off stage)\par BARLEY!!!!!\par \par TIMMY:\par Dad\rquote s in the garage.\par \par INTERIOR GARAGE\par \par Tommy is standing near the trashcan. Tammy is nearby, freaking out.\par \par TOMMY:\par Barley, why didn\rquote t you take the trash cans out to the curb?!\par \par BARLEY:\par It would upset my experiment. \par \par There are maggots all over the trash can\par \par BARLEY:\par Maggotts? The maggots hatched! Timmy, the maggots hatched!\par \par TOMMY:\par You have him involved in this?! What about Littler?\par \par BARLEY:\par I was teaching them the life cycle of the fly.\par \par TOMMY:\par You\rquote re not teaching them THAT stuff! about reproduction. Flies spread disease!\par \par What kind of dead body do you have out there?!\par \par Just some rotting tomatoes and lettuce... \par \par LITTLER:\par ...and dog poop!\par \par WHAT?!?!?!?\par \par LITTLER:\par And Uncle Troy let us have as much horse poop as we wanted from his stalls!\par \par TIMMY:\par Yeah, he even brought MORE poop over with his bulldozer!\par \par TOMMY:\par (eyes bugging)\par WHAAATTTT?!\par \par Then Tommy spies a melted candybar on the ground, with swarms of ants covering it.\par \par TOMMY:\par What's THIS?!?!!?\par \par BARLEY:\par (gulping)\par My other experiment.\par \par TOMMY:\par "Other experiment"?! \strike You mean \strike0 there's OTHERS?!\par \par BARLEY:\par Well, yeah, a coupla. I was trying to teach Timmy and Littler about insects and stuff.\par \par TOMMY:\par Get rid of these maggotts!\par \par BARLEY:\par Get RID of?\par \par TOMMY:\par Kill them all! Hey, that would make a good slogan. Kill them all. I need to update my website and business cards.\par \par BARLEY:\par Kill? As in DEAD?\par \par Suddlenly Littler starts crying, and then Timmy and Barley. They are all wailing. A though balloon appears\par "I must be missing something here.\par \par TOMMY:\par They're too young to know about reproduction/that stuff!! You're not their parent... you're only their half-brother!\par \par Barley is taken aback by this comment, and then his dad realizes suddenly how insensitive it sounded.\par \par TOMMY:\par (stammering)\par Tommy, that came out wrong, what I mean isn't that you're "only" their half brother, what I mean is that you're not the parent, you shouldn't be teaching them about things they can't handle, like reproduction. You mistook what I said, of course you're their brother, it doesn't matter what percent is blood.\par \par Barley walks sadly away. \par \par \par Barley misses his mom who died when he was 3 years old. She used to collect bugs with him. Butterflies appear whenever he thinks about his mom.\par \par Barley in bed, tear drops from his eye "I miss my REAL mom".\par \par \par -----------------------------