"Snail's Pace Productions Pleasant Facade Estates The Bizzy Buddies

The Night Before Christmas humorous illustrated story featuring The Bizzy Buddies writer illustrator Vuja Day

Bizzy Buddies - Pleasant Facade Estates Vuja Day

The Pleasant Facade Home Owners Association meeting. Tommy Tuckus is President.

TOMMY: (off camera)
Hear ye! Hear ye!
The meeting is about
to commence!

The issue is Tuckus
Drive versus Street,
Lane, Terrace etc

Tommy President of PFE HOA is indignant because the google earth hasn't updated their satellite picture and it keeps showing this ramshackle mess, not the beautiful housing development.

a report of raccoon getting into peoples houses and trashcans. PLEASANT FACADE ESTATES
Tommy and Troy, the long-battling fraternal twins of the premier old-family of Allium County. When Tommy and Troy inherit the family farm, Troy tries to make an earnest living raising his family and running what's left of Tuckus Farm.

Tommy sells his half of the farm to land developers, makes ALOT of money. The land developers mow down the former farmland and erect a 33-acre McMansion housing development called "Pleasant Facade Estates". Tommy buys the biggest house on the highest hill overlooking his brother's property. All is fine until Troy builds a HUGE barn upwind/downwind from Tommy's house and the barnyard smell and flies

One of the ongoing battles between the brothers has been the placement of the sewage line for Pleasant Facade Estates. Troy is saying it's on his property.... he's in the process of suing my dad. My dad is counter-suing him.\par \par pf_page23\par now all these plumbing problems are erupting. \par

One episode has the Home Owner's or Owners' Association deciding on their stationery, and there is a big argument among board members if the apostrophe should go before or after the s.

Neighbor putting his trash in another neighbor's trash cans

another episode has one neighbor parking his leaky oil car in front of another neighbor's house "I don't want it leaking on the street in front of my place"


Debate over street being named Tuckus

TOMMY: As President of the Pleasant Facade Estates Home Owners' Association, I hearby declare that this meeting is over.

Pan out to reveal that everyone has already long-left the table.

A board member has a fit because there is no cedilla on the "C" in "Facade". DeeDee Duncan left off the cedilla. DEE DEE: I thought that was a piece of hair --------------

thw hoity toity housing enclave with the home owners association

Tommy wants a street in PFE named after him. Big discussion if it should be "street" or "drive" or "court" or "lane" TOMMY: "Court"...hmmm I like the sound of that, like the king's court OTHER: (smirking) Or like LEGAL court.. TOMMY: (gulping) I'll take Drive

the decision about the naming of the streets... there is a petition to change the name of the street "Tuckus Trail". People are complaining that they are giggled at whenever they have to give out their address. Tommy is highly insulted. That's a good, strong German name.

"The Eleeks" and the "Cogniscenti" (emphasis on SCENT and not in a good way either)

"The Eleeks" are that upper crust of society that hobknobs with The Power Plant, Senator Dick Tate, head of FECES ( cronies The land developers

The housing association is like a googly-eyed groupie gaping...
Tommy wants Google Earth to re-photograph their area... it still depicts a farmland, and Tommy wants it to show "Pleasant Facade Estates". It does show Tuckus Inn.\par \par It's just a bunch of snobby people living behind iron gates.\par \par Tommy storms into the room, bug-eyed with rage!

TOMMY: (off camera)
What kind of life
skills will that bring?!

BARLEY: (off camera)
I dunno... I just
thought I'd enjoy it.

TOMMY: (off camera)
"Enjoy it??! You're
not supposed to enjoy.
your job!

Tommy storms into the room, bug-eyed with rage!

Barley's shirt slogan "It's OK to be OK"

TOMMY: All I can say is... "Get a job!!"

one of the neighbors is pissed off at the other neighbors, so he paints his house puke green. "once I'm inside, I don't haave to look at it"\par \par TAMMY:\par this is not good feng shui\par \par (bears sometimes go through their trash???)\par \par beer and garb age, garbage cans and garbage strewn all over the front lawn, not good feng shui.\par

What did you say?!

i am i am

That's more like it.

Hey! What are you
doing to the dish

!-- (meekly)
--> That's my rainbow

Leaza impatiently grabs the multi-colored bottle, and ends up mixing the colors together into a khaki-colored goo

Littler screams out as Tammy grabs the bottle and the colors all mix together

in disgust)
This isn't rainbow
colored... this is a
yucky color!

TAMMY: Oh for cryin' out loud... JOEY RAINBOW: