"Snail's Pace Productions Pleasant Facade Estates The Bizzy Buddies

The Night Before Christmas humorous illustrated story featuring The Bizzy Buddies writer illustrator Vuja Day

Bizzy Buddies - Pleasant Facade Estates Vuja Day

ELECTIION TIME The two battling fraternal twin brothers are running against each other in the Allium County election.

TOMMY: (off camera)
Hear ye! Hear ye!
The meeting is about
to commence!

POLITICAL Tommy and Troy are running against each other for Allium County Supervisor: Tommy for the Development Party (big business, marketing, tourism) and Troy for the Ecology Party (agriculture and local business).

Tommy carries himself with an arrogance he hasn't earned. Troy carries himself like the weight of the world rests on his shoulders. (worry wart)

Troy Tuckus is a local farmer (farms honey, apples, sheep and leeks) who is running for political office in Allium County. He supports the farmers and opposes development.

Troy Tuckus' opponent in the race is Tommy Tuckus... Troy's very own brother. And FRATERNAL TWIN at that! They are running against each other for County Commissioner. Tommy Tuckus supports development and tourism. He supports Bizzy Land. He stands to make alot of money...

Troy is showing up at the courthouse with BEFORE and AFTER pics centered on the development. When the houses came in, then the mall and the theme park and zoo... all using limited resources from Leek Creek.

Troy Tuckus is wearing a suit jacket and tie over overalls.

A reporter asks Troy a question
REPORTER: You're a farmer. You raise leeks, sheep, apples and TROY: Life is like a farmyard. You have all kinds of people. What kind of person are you? Honey bee (nice) apples (wise) sheep (easily led) or leeks (stink)

Troy and jake having an argument.\par TROY:\par TROY: There's nothing you can do to shock me! I've seen it all!\par JAKE: All of what... the back end of a stinkin' farm?!\par TROY: (sadly wistfully) If you really want to rebel/\strike be a rebel\strike0 ... be successful\strike /a success\strike0 .\par TROY:\par

The dueling politicians of Leekville\par \ulnone\b0 One is a woman, other a man... their political fight. Everyone is so busy fighting each other that they end up tearing each other apart - other counties/people had no respect for that, and then they realize if they'd just work together for the next 4 years... see what happens - insteaad of spending so much energy tearing each other apart. If it doesn't work out during the next 4 years, that just gives theother person a better chance\par \par We're going to keep our eagle eye on you... but we're \par \par Make this whole saga parallel Trump/Clinton.\par \par White guy, black woman\par

DeeDee Duncan is Senator Dick Tate's "assistant" who then spins off into Chamber of Commerce for Allium County

Getting a sign made, the company charges by the letter

DeeDee Duncan helps Tommy get his campaign sign made

Tommy "accidentally" spent some of the campaign money on "refreshments" and now he has to account for it and pay it back

TOMMY: (off camera)
"Enjoy it??! You're
not supposed to enjoy.
your job!

Tommy storms into the room, bug-eyed with rage!

Barley's shirt slogan "It's OK to be OK"

TOMMY: All I can say is... "Get a job!!"

What did you say?!

i am i am

That's more like it.

Hey! What are you
doing to the dish

!-- (meekly)
--> That's my rainbow

Leaza impatiently grabs the multi-colored bottle, and ends up mixing the colors together into a khaki-colored goo

Littler screams out as Tammy grabs the bottle and the colors all mix together

in disgust)
This isn't rainbow
colored... this is a
yucky color!

TAMMY: Oh for cryin' out loud... JOEY RAINBOW: