Leaza Tuckus Cartoons Bizzy Buddies humor

Bizzy Buddies Snail's Pace Productions Leaza Tuckus

Leaza Tuckus Bizzy Buddies Snail's Pace Productions
Bizzy Buddies Snail's Pace Productions Lorraine Day Writer Illustrator

Leaza is the proto-typical self-absorbed highschool "pom-pom girl" at Leekville High School, who does the normal things teenagers do (fights with her siblings and rebels against her parents, gets kicked out of highschool...)

When the WikiLeeks Scandal comes to light, Leaza "drops out" of high school to pursue her GED Degree.

Despite being a "queen bee" in the top clique, she still feels like an outsider in Leekville. She has bigger goals... to fulfill her dreams of becoming a spokesmodel/actress in Follywood!
Bizzy Buddies

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Tammy Tuckus Bizzy Buddies Snail's Pace Productions