The Snail and Peter Cottontail humorous illustrated story Bizzy Buddies Vuja Day

The Snail and Peter Cottontail illustrated humor The Bizzy Buddies writer illustrator Vuja Day Snail's Pace Productions

Bizzy Buddies - The Snail and Peter Cottontail - Snails Pace Productions
Bizzy Buddies - Snail's Pace Productions
Bizzy Buddies

The old adage "Slow and steady wins the race" may or may not be true here.

Timmy Tuckus tells his own twist on "The Rabbit and the Tortoise"... except the rabbit in this story is none other than Peter Cottontail (aka Easter Bunny)!

When Peter Cottontail is pitted to run a race against a SNAIL, he laughs derisively and believes it will be easy and he doesn't even have to try.
Snail's Pace Productions Bizzy Buddies Vuja Day