Littler-Lox and the Three Bears humorous illustrated story Bizzy Buddies Lorraine Day

Littler-Lox and the Three Bears illustrated humor The Bizzy Buddies writer illustrator Lorraine Day Snail's Pace Productions

Bizzy Buddies - Littler-Lox and the Three Bears - Snails Pace Productions
Bizzy Buddies - Snail's Pace Productions

Instead of reading the standard fairy tale fare at bedtime to his little sister, Timmy Tuckus allows his imagination to run amok as he retells the tales with Littler as the (twinkling) star of her own story!
Bizzy Buddies

The question begs to be answered... does everyone live "happily ever after"?

Littler is "Littler-Lox" in this remake of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. All the famous (and infamous) characters are there... the only exception is smoked salmon and cream cheese on bagels is substituted for the porridge. This story will either make you hungry or nauseous!