The Three Littler Pigs humorous illustrated story Bizzy Buddies Vuja Day

The Three Littler Pigs illustrated humor The Bizzy Buddies writer illustrator Vuja Day Snail's Pace Productions

Toni Tony Tuckus Bizzy Buddies Snail's Pace Productions
Bizzy Buddies - Snail's Pace Productions

No standard fairy tale fare for HIS little sister! Timmy Tuckus, inspired by the "broken-tailed fairy" his little sister Littler claims that she found... he writes his own "fractured fairy tail" series of stories.

Littler is somehow inserted into this remake of The Three Little Pigs. All the famous (and infamous) characters are there... the Three Pigs, the Big Bad Wolf plus more!

The question begs to be answered... does everyone live "happily ever after"?