CinderLittler Pigs humorous illustrated story Bizzy Buddies Vuja Day

CinderLittler illustrated humor The Bizzy Buddies writer illustrator Vuja Day Snail's Pace Productions

Toni Tony Tuckus Bizzy Buddies Snail's Pace Productions
Bizzy Buddies - Snail's Pace Productions
Bizzy Buddies

Instead of reading the standard fairy tale fodder at bedtime to his little sister, Timmy Tuckus allows his imagination to run rampant as he retells the tales with Littler as the star of her own story!

Littler is "CinderLittler" the heroine of this remake of Cinderella but with a few substitutions. Standard fairy tale fare with a Bizzy Buddies twist!

The question begs to be answered... does everyone live "happily ever after"?