Pleasant Facade Estates Lorraine Day humorous illustrated stories cartoon characters

Bizzy Buddies Snail's Pace Productions Pleasant Facade Estates McMansion housing development

Pleasant Facade Estates Bizzy Buddies - Snail's Pace Productions
Snail's Pace Productions Bizzy Buddies Vuja Day Writer Illustrator

When Tommy Tuckus sells his inherited share of Tuckus Family Farm to real estate developers, they construct a miasmic blight of hoity-toity McMansions called "Pleasant Facade Estates".

Tommy buys the biggest house on the highest hill, and becomes head of the Pleasant Facade Estates Home Owners' Association, much to the chagrin of his NIMDY neighbors!

Wait until new neighbor Noah (of biblical fame) moves into the subdivision. The HOA fines Noah when he starts building an ark in his front yard! (read "Noah and the HOA")