The Cat Whisperer humorous illustrated story Bizzy Buddies Vuja Day

The Cat Whisperer humorous illustrated story featuring The Bizzy Buddies writer illustrator Vuja Day

Bizzy Buddies - The Cat Whisperer Vuja Day
Bizzy Buddies

Ma Tuckus is at odds with her adult children, who fear she spends too much time (and $$$$$!!) on her cats. Ma is always threatening to re-write her will, leaving everything to her cat Pierre!

Ma has to enlist her son Tommy's aid when Pierre doesn't show up for "meow hour"... his scheduled mealtime!

Adding stress to an already stressful situation, Ma's dreaded cousin Mathilde is coming to town, and she's completely unaware that the property she co-owns with Ma has been turned into a bed and breakfast... for CATS!!

More drama and trauma to follow...